The Perfect Human Diet™ Documentary

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The Einstein Solution

Most of us have heard the "definition of insanity" defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I first heard that phrase 30 years ago at a Dr. Wayne Dyer lecture in San Diego, attributing it to Professor Einstein- long before Oprah made it mainstream. 

Now, everyone from corporate CEO's to classroom professors use the popular catch phrase "think outside of the box" to stimulate creative brainstorming for new ideas. But I believe Albert Einstein said the same thing in an infinitely more practical way, which I shared in my documentary *THE PERFECT HUMAN DIET™. 

If you haven't seen the film yet, or may not recall the segment where I shared his wisdom and my parents encouragement for exploring life with an open mind... there is, after all, a lot to take away from a 90 minute investigative documentary... so without further ado, here is that clip from the film.

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Not only does Professor Einstein explain his solution in a simple way, but in todays world where many folks embrace the concept of the relentless pursuit of  self-improvement; physically, mentally, financially or spiritually, it is a very "actionable" teaching.

(*all caps is an industry convention for film titles)