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While we may not be able to respond to you directly, we do read all email. If you have a dietary question we will pass it along to CJ who will be addressing those kinds of questions in his blog. Please subscribe to it on the website and we will keep you updated on CJ's Reports, special events, his upcoming book and Film Production news. All other inquiries will be forwarded to the right person for their attention.

Palm Springs, CA


Home of Seize The Day Media, our new 501c3 and HTM's The Perfect Human Diet™ documentary, exciting follow-up film projects, the "how-to" companion book, reporters blog and personally vetted resources to bring you "The Health and Life You Deserve™". 

The Perfect Human Diet 2: Saving The Planet

A steady series of vegan films, including the new Eating Our Way To Extinction, narrated and Executive Produced by actress Kate Winslet, falsely claim that the production and consumption of animal foods is destroying our health and our environment.

Their solution is to eliminate animal foods and have us adopt a “plant-based diet” - That, they say, is the fastest way to stop climate change.

This appealingly simple but misleading claim, is winning over the hearts and minds of the public, the mainstream media and government policymakers, rapidly threatening our freedom of choice.

Too much is at stake for all of us to simply accept their claims without question.

Together we can expose the truth — saving our freedoms — and saving the planet.